- Fresh – Dinner Sausage GF
$5.99/lb - $5.99/lb
$13.21/kg - $13.21/kgRated 0 out of 5 - Sausage Fresh gluten free
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- Ground Beef
$7.49/lb - $8.99/lb
$16.51/kg - $19.81/kgRated 0 out of 5 - Ground Beef
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- Locally Raised Grade A Turkey
$9.90/kgRated 0 out of 5 - Size range varies, available 20lb.List the size you are looking for in notes section below. Give a three lb range. Update Dec 28th: Turkeys are now frozen, we can thaw for your event.
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- Chicken Thighs – Skinless, Boneless
$19.81/kgRated 0 out of 5 - When selecting your chicken thigh under quantity, you are placing your order per thigh. avg weight per thigh is .25lb to .50lb
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- Rouladen
$29.74/kgRated 0 out of 5 - each slice approx 1/4lb
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- Chicken Breast – Skinless, Boneless
$17.61/kgRated 0 out of 5 - When selecting your boneless chicken breast under quantity, you are placing your order per piece. Avg weight per piece is 0.50lb - 0.75lb
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- Chicken Legs
$8.80/kgRated 0 out of 5 - When selecting the chicken legs in quantity, you are placing your order per leg. avg weight of chicken leg is .75lb
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- Center Cut Bone-In Pork Chop
$11.00/kgRated 0 out of 5 - When selecting your pork chop in quantity, you are placing the order per chop. avg weight per chop is.50lb.
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- Bacon – Maple Wood Smoked Bacon (Regular) GF
$18.72/kgRated 0 out of 5 - 1lb pound slab/454 gram. gluten free
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- Pork Tenderloin
$17.61/kgRated 0 out of 5 - avg weight 1lb ea
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- Fresh – Breakfast Sausage GF
$5.99/lb - $5.99/lb
$13.21/kg - $13.21/kgRated 0 out of 5 - 16 pc per package equal to approx 1lb gluten free
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- Smoked Ham-Bone-In GF
$4.25/lb - $4.25/lb
$9.37/kg - $9.37/kgRated 0 out of 5 - Smoked Ham-Bone-In skin on. gluten free
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